Compact ETP Plant : Erva Healthcare

Erva Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. has installed the compact ETP Plant[Effluent Treatment Plant] for the treatment of  capsule and syrup formulated effluent.

Capacity of Effluent Treatment Plant : 1 m3/day

Water Parameter Consideration :

Inlet Parameter in mg/liter Outlet Parameter
pH 6-8 As per CTO Norms given to you by GPCB[Except TDS]
TDS 1500-2000
TSS 200-400
Color Blakish
BOD 190-300
COD 450-600
Oil & Grease 2
Sulphate 99-200
Chloride 400-600
Ammonical Nitrogen 39-100
Sodium 520-600

Treatment Process Layout of ETP :

ETP Process Layout

ETP Process Layout


Sr No. ETP Process  Unit Size(LxBxH) in M Capacity (Liter)
0 Effluent Inlet
1 Oil & Grease Chamber 0.5 x 0.5 x 1 500
2 Collection cum neutralization tank 1.5 x 1.5 x 2 4500
3 Settling Tank 1 x 1x 2 2000
4 Sludge Drying Bed 1 x 1 x 2 2000
5 Pressure Sand Filter 0.2 x 1.2 100
6 Activated Carbon Filter 0.2 x 1.2 100
7 Water Supply for Gardening Propose
8 Water Evaporation System 1000 liter/hour 1000 liter/hour

Treatment Procedure :

Oil & Grease Chamber :

Washing water from Tablet, Ointment unit  transfer to   Oil & Grease Tank to trap the Oil Content.

Collection Cum Neutralization Tank :

Effluent from oil & grease tank  transfer to collection cum neutralization tank by gravity base. Initially pH of effluent water set up  at 8.5 by chemical dosing of  direct flocculants. Sub sequently   pH raise to 10.5-11.5 by lime dosing. Chemical mixing is done by Agitator having 1 HP Gear Motor & SS Impeller Shaft.  Initially  chemical dosing will help to maximum sludge separation. pH of effluent  will be maintain at 7.8  settled for  3 hrs  then supernant transfer to   settling tank and residual sludge transfer to sludge drying bed through  1 HP mud pump.

Settling Tank :

Treated effluent from collection cum neutralization tank transfer to settling tank by water transfer pump. Flocculated  water will be settled to remove  the turbidity of water.

Pressure Sand Filter :

Settled water will be transfer to  pressure sand filter by water transfer pump. Pressure sand filter remove the suspended solids.

Activated Carbon Filter :

Filtered water from pressure sand filter will be filter out in activated carbon filter to remove the chlorine content and residual.

Water supply for gardening purpose or Evaporation Operation:

Filter out  water of carbon filter utilize for gardening purpose or else supply to evaporation purpose.

ETP Drawing for Erva Healthcare

ETP Drawing

ETP 3D Drawing for Erva Healthcare

ETP 3D Drawing

Standard Operation Process for ETP Operation :

Oil &  Grease Tank :

  • To check the supernatant liquid of oil & grease tank
  • If Oil & grease residual found then manually extract by bucket.
  • Check the pH of Effluent

Collection cum Neutralization Tank

  • Start the Water Transfer pump in Re-circulation mode.
  • If pH is acidic or neutral then Raise the pH of effluent up to 9 by dosing of lime [56 Gram in 750 Liter]
  • After raising the pH upto 9, Start the dosing of alum [63 gram in 750 Liter ] or maintain the pH 7 by dosing of Alum.
  • Once the pH maintain at 7 Start the Cationic polymer dosing [35 gram in 750 Liter]
  • Maintain water recirculation at least 20 minute after the dosing of cationic polymer.
  • [If color residual found in final treated water then also add the bleaching powder in 5 ppm concentration]
  • Stop the water recirculation and start the Water Transfer in Settling Tank

Settling Tank

  • Maintain the water settling for 6 Hrs.
  • Transfer the supernatant water for filtration of Evaporation propose.
  • Transfer the settled solid of settling tank to sludge drying bed [Operation is once a week]


  • Start the water transfer pump of filtration unit.
  • Operate the activated carbon filter in Rinse & Back Wash mode for 15 minute.
  • Operate the pressure sand filter in Rinse & Back Wash mode for 10 minute.
  • Transfer the treated water for gardening propose.


  • Feed the water from settling tank to Evaporator and operate evaporator till water completely evaporated.

Sludge Discharge

  • Dried sludge required to supply for GPCB Authorize landfill site

Chemical Requirement in Daily Operation

Sr. No. Chemical Detail Dosing Required for 750 Liter Effluent Chemical requirement for 100 liter dosing tank for daily operation of 750 Liter Effluent Treatment
1 Lime 56 Gram /Day 56 Gram /Day
2 Alum 63 Gram / Day 63 Gram /Day
3 Cation polymer 35 Gram /Day 35 Gram /Day
4 Bleaching Powder 37 Gram /Day 37 Gram /Day