Purified Water Segment For Pharmaceutical Industries

Purified Water Segment For Pharmaceutical Industries

Purified Water Segment

Mechwat technologies are an end to end solution provider in purified water segment for pharmaceutical industries.


Purified water treatment plant: Purified water generation system
Purified water storage system: Purified water storage and distribution system

Types of water used in pharmaceutical industries:

  • Raw Water: Raw water is directly used for general purpose without any treatment of purification.


  • Soft Water: Soft water is used in child water plant and boiler as a feed water by treating conventional method of purification (i.e. Multi grade filtration, Activated carbon filtration, and softener)


  • R.O. Water: Reverse osmosis water is used for cleaning of the surface and at some extends of types of equipment which not directly involved in the production line. (R.O. Water is generated by using reverse osmosis membrane filtration technology)


  • Purified Water(PW): PW Water is used in formulation non-parenteral preparation, media preparation lab, bulk chemical production, and cleaning of equipment. (PW Water is generated by using the electro-deionization (RO-EDI) method followed by reverse osmosis technique)


  • Water for Injection (WFI Water): WFI Water is used in the production of parenteral products and cleaning of contact parts of equipment which is involved in the production of a parenteral product.




PW Water is widely used water in the pharmaceutical industries for the production of the non-parenteral product, bulk chemical production and cleaning of certain product contact equipment.


The parameter of Purified Water:

  • Conductivity: Not more than 1µS/Cm
  • pH: 5 to 7
  • Total bacterial count: Less than 100cfu/ml
  • Total fungal count: Less than 10cfu/ml
  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odor: Odourless


A typical method for the generation of purified water (High purity water):

  • Pre-filtration
  • Activated carbon
  • Additives
  • Organic scavengers
  • Softeners
  • Deionization
  • Reverse osmosis
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Charge modified filtration
  • Microbial retentive filtration
  • UV Light
  • Distillation


Technical requirements for the storage and distribution of purified water (High purity water):

  • Storage tank: PW Water must be stored in SS316L tank which has inside surface finish less than 0.4Ra.


  • Distribution piping, Instruments & Valves: Piping, instruments & valves must be made from SS316L material and inside surface finish must be less than 0.4Ra.


  • A velocity of water in piping: Loop velocity must not be less than 1.2m/s.


  • A slope of piping: Slope of the whole loop is 1:100